Boon Mark Gittisarn is one of the most important and most interesting figures in 20th century Thai Protestantism. He figured prominently in the early history of the Church of Christ in Thailand before and during World War II and then played a leading role in the early history of Thai Pentecostalism. an online search (using Google) turned up a reference to Boon Mark in a book by the Presbyterian fundamentalist leader, Carl McIntire,
A Testimony in Europe: Travel Letters on Missions (Christian Beacon Press, 1951), p. 39. McIntire describes how he and a group of others formed the Conference of Christian Churches in Asia (CCCA) as a counterweight to the "apostate ecumenical movement" organization, the
East Asia Christian Conference. Boon Mark is listed as a vice president of the newly formed CCCA. This passing reference serves to emphasize Boon Mark's connections to international fundamentalism in general and McIntire in particular.