The year isn't quite over, but nearly enough so that looking at some of the statistics for
herbswanson.com is worth a gander. As of this morning, December 26, 2012, a total of 6,035 individuals stopped by for visits ranging from less than 30 seconds (87.8%) to 15 minutes or more (6.4%). The modest number of those staying more than 15 minutes reminds us of something we already know: Thai church history is not one of your big ticket fields of study. Still, while I'm glad to have folks drop in for any length of time, the website is "here" for that 6.4% who are finding something here worth lingering over. Otherwise, as I look at the various stats available for this website, it is clear that my frequent visits for updating and adding to its contents seriously skews the results. Nevertheless, it is also clear that this website is being sufficiently used to encourage me to keep on keeping on with it. I don't expect to set the world on fire with what has become my avocation, the ongoing study of Thai church history and making the results of that study available to others.
So, to those who share my interest in the church's past in Thailand, I wish you all a happy 2013. Blessings, Herb