It turns out that all five volumes of the Siam Repository are also available in hard copy and PDF formats through Rare Book Clubs (here) for a charge, of course. Purchasers are warned, "Books marked 'PDF/scan' may have notations, faded type, yellowed paper, missing or skewed pages, etc. Paperbacks marked 'OCR' may have numerous typos, missing text, with no illustrations or indexes." The PDFs can be downloaded from the book club website, but hard copies have to be purchased through other sellers. They are available at Amazon (here). The hard copies are not reprints. The originals were scanned, and anyone who has used scanned material knows what a mess the results can be. There are also two or more versions for some volumes, and it is not clear what the differences in the versions are.
In any event, chalk the availability of the Siam Repository in various forms and formats as one more example of how Internet has radically transformed the study of Thai church and missions history. It has made a great variety of 19th and early 20th century sources available online. While finding what is on the Web is a real hassle, the fact is that large amounts of published historical material are there waiting to be found—and when found then always immediately available thereafter.